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Xavier Teaching School Hub

Dear all,

We hope you have all had a good week in school and that everyone is settling into the new term.

Please find attached the Week 16 bulletin for this week, i.e. w/b 16th January 2023.  

Please note the request to hear your voice about the ECF programme and be part of our focus groups, details of which can be found in the bulletin.

Also, mentors and induction tutors, if you have staff interested in becoming a teacher you will find information about the internship programme (attached) and details of who to contact if you would like more information.

Once again can we remind you of the ECT Members’ Area on the Xavier Teaching School Hub website, which contains a wealth of valuable information from handbooks to proformas, all to support you on the programme.  To access the secure area, just go to and click on the orange tab at the top of the screen.  Login details are as follows:


Password: Xaviertsh 

We welcome feedback on the secure area.  If you have any questions, comments or suggestions as to what else you would like us to upload, please email

Have a good week, everyone.

Best regards,

The ECF Central Team