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Xavier Teaching School Hub

The role of the Appropriate Body

The role of the Appropriate Body

The role of the Appropriate Body 

Xavier Teaching School Hub Appropriate Body are the accrediting body for induction. 

Requirements of Xavier Appropriate Body: 

  • To ensure the school setting is suitable for the purpose of induction  

  • To ensure the school is upholding the expectations outlined in the DfE’s Statutory Guidance for induction and entitlements (Induction for early career teachers (England) ( 

  • To provide support and guidance for ECTs and schools as needed at any time over the 2 year induction. 

  • To provide relevant contact and monitoring and quality assurance of ECT’s induction provision. 

  • To ensure progress reviews and assessments are conducted at the appropriate times throughout the two years of induction with sufficient evidence against the Teachers’ Standards. 

  • To monitor ECT's engagement with the Teach First ECF provision and ensure they are receiving a programme and support based on the ECF curriculum. To provide ECF fidelity checks, where needed to ensure schools are supported to provide ECTs with an ECF-based induction.   

  • To register your ECT for induction with the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA) and accredit ECTs as passed induction at the end of the 2-year induction period. Xavier appropriate body will make the final decision as to whether the ECT has satisfactorily met the Teachers’ Standards, based on the headteacher’s recommendation.  

  • If there are any concerns over ECT’s progress, and they are at risk of not meeting the Teachers’ Standards, we will liaise with ECTs and the school to ensure appropriate support is put in place and monitored through our Cause for Concern procedure.